(To appear soon)
When Santa Claus came to a kindergarten in Plovdiv, Bulgaria and distributed Christmas presents to a groupr of 5 year olds.
This project addresses energy efficiency measures and construction of photovoltaic power plants in selected public kindergartens in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
x: personal memories.
Lists all articles on Devblog that addess the EEA and Norway Grants, via general arguments or as comments on specific projects that I, through CBNRM Networking and/or Supras Limited, have been involved in.
About Kubcheto Bar in Sofia. Analysis using stakeholder analysis, and also network analysis and social assessment. The focus is on bartenders (here called Queens) and customers (here called citizens).
Biodiversity losses are appalling, and they are increasing.
On NGOs in Norway that are partners in projects in Romania funded by EEA and Norway Grants. Based on years of working with such projects. Partly also inspired by a workshop organized by Fundaţia pentru Dezvoltarea Societăţii Civile (Romania) and Frivillighet Norge (Norway).
Inter-disciplinarity, or transdisciplinarity, is much discussed. It is essentially a product of the (Western) educational system. In practice, it does not seem to amount to much.
Ayn Rand's views and visions covered different areas of life and culture. There is only a limited amount of internal consistency in her work.