International traveling means leaving one culture in order immerse oneself in another one. Human cultures ar variations on the endless cultural and environmental adaptations that homo sapiens has evolved into.
A bamboo grove in Kathmandu, Napal, and bamboo's ecology and use in culture, inspired me to formulate some thoughts about how to understand cultures, the relations between cultures, and the various ways of traveling within cultures and explore them, as well as between them.
Sykkel blir i økende grad brukt i bynære rom. Vi som sykler skaper behov og vil at ting skjer. Hører kommuner og fylkeskommuner på oss? Det årlige arrangementet European Mobility Week presenteres som et eksempel.
A summer has passed. And with it the momentous events in a cave in Thailand, where a group of boys were trapped. This article presents a critical view on this story.
Flash fiction is writing of extreme brevity that still offers character and plot development. The communicative aspect focuses on how texts are understood across languages and cultures.
Økte bompengeavgifter og flere innkrevingspunkter vil minske privatbilismen. Vil dette få folk til å overveie å flytte for å få kortere reiseavstand mellom bolig og jobb?
There are similarities or overlaps between the professions of DJs, bankrobbers, and preachers. Who would have thought that? Additionally, this represents an interesting case of text analysis
There is a pattern to how elites, across time and space, relate to minorities. A fundamental principle of such institutionalized discrimination is to give preferential treatment to ones own.
This gadget reseals plastic bags. It is a completely unnecessary gadget. It claims to solve problems, largely imaginary ones. At the same time it contributes to creating problems, including a growing amount of waste.
En ny diskusjon om Roma, eller romfolk, er i gang i Norge. Den handler om kriminalitet blant Roma og har aktualisert spørsmålet om hvorvidt tigging bør forbyes.