Maps are crucial tools in describing, presenting, and analyzing multiple environmental and socio-cultural variables, together with their interaction.
This gadget is a collapsable, reusable, and portable drinking straw. It aims to reduce plastic waste. Is this a good example of sustainable resource and waste management?
EEA and Norway Grants provide grants to countries in Eastern Europe. I have so far worked on eight projects in Bulgaria, Latvia, Romania, and Slovenia. This article presents my experiences.
I posted a video on Facebook about an indigenous people on Andaman Islands, India. Facebook immediately censored it, labeling it as "nudity and sexual activity." SIC!
Norway's Sovereign Wealth Fund is growing steadily. In September 2017 it hit the 1 trillion USD mark for the first time.
I visited the crusader castle in Sidon, Lebanon. It made me think about the havoc done in the name of religion, here in the Levant, and around the world. There was even a Norwegian crusade to the Holy Land!
Why do we travel for recreation? Do we travel _to_ something? Or do we travel to get _away_ from something? We all want to be travelers, but we are in reality tourists.
We think of Facebook as a free tool and forget that we share enormous amounts of personal data that Facebook uses in marketing. We have to understand what "surveillance capitalism" is.
International tourism has a an increasing downside to it, namely its impact on local cultures and environments. The case of Cabo San Lucas, Baja California is presented. I travelled there before the toursts arrived
The woman performing is Olena Uutai, from the Sakha Republic in Russia. She calls herself an "ethnic musician". It can be also understood as a case of cultural appropriation.