World Bank
The social anthropologist Fredrik Barth, born 1928, passed away in 2016. These are a few personal memories I have about and with him.
This article is a comment on a Concept Note for a proposed World Bank project "Christmas". It addresses the Concept Note's "Santa Claus" component. It is part of the Devblog series "Development cooperation sarcasm".
On the World Bank funded project "Lagos Metropolitan Development Project" in Nigeria I worked with villagers to plan community infrastructure. On one occasion I was challenged to paddle on of the local small wooden boats.
The World Bank's Common Property Resource Management Network (CPRNet) was founded by me in 1995. Partner in World Bank "CBNRM Initiative". Merged with CBNRM Net in 2001.
A World Bank project (1997-1999). Organized an intl. workshop on Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) in 1998. The World Bank's "CPRNet" was a partner. Follow-up activities included "CBNRM Net" and "CBNRM Networking".
I founded CBNRMNet in 1998 as a World Bank activity. It is a follow-up activity of the World Bank's "CBNRM Initiative", and it incorporates the World Bank's CPRNet. Today it is a project of CBNRM Networking, a Norwegian NGO.
In traditional small-scale fisheries is mosquito nets are increasingly, turned into fish nets. They are distributed for free by donors. With their small mesh widhts they catch more fish, and smaller fish, than regular fish nets.
Inter-disciplinarity, or transdisciplinarity, is much discussed. It is essentially a product of the (Western) educational system. In practice, it does not seem to amount to much.