August 2017
At UNCCD COP 11 (Windhoek, Namibia, 2013)
I participated in United Nations Convention to Combat...
Empathy with the world's poor and with hunger appear to decrease, as reported by several media. An article in the Norwegian daily "Dagbladet" reports on humanitarian crises in Jemen, Nigeria, Somalia and South Sudan, with more than 20 million persons affected by hunger, or that may be...
Edvard Dahm Vogt ble født i Kristiansand 14. juni 1923 og døde i Bergen 10. oktober 2016. Han vokste opp i Gravane, nederst i Vestre Strandgate. Faren, Ivar Vogt, var rådmann i Kristiansand.
Under krigen var Edvard aktiv i XU og Milorg, og...
Thomas Fredrik Weybye Barth (Fredrik Barth) was born in Leipzig 22 December 1928 and died in Oslo 24 January 2016. He was my mentor, professor, and colleague, more or less in that order, first at the Department of Social...
Vår empati med verdens fattige mennesker, med nød og sult, ser ut til å synke. Dette ifølge rapporter i flere medier. En artikkel i Dagbladet omtaler humanitære katastrofer i Jemen, Nigeria, Somalia, og Sør-Sudan der over 20 millioner mennesker totalt er rammet av hungersnød eller...
It is interesting how texts can be – indeed often are – reinterpreted when read later on. The longer the timespan between writing and reading, the higher the likelihood that such reinterpretation...