26 Aug 2018
En ny diskusjon om Roma, eller romfolk, er i gang i Norge. Den handler om kriminalitet blant Roma og har aktualisert spørsmålet om hvorvidt tigging bør forbyes.
15 Sep 2020
On a project in Bulgaria that gave training to staff at penitentiaries on human rights, discrimination, and inclusion. The aim was to address how they deal with the inmates, which are almost all Roma..
1 Feb 2021
Liste over alle Devblog artikler som omhandler Agder, og mer konkret Kristiansand, sammen med korte omtaler og lenker.
9 Sep 2022
Inter-disciplinarity, or transdisciplinarity, is much discussed. It is essentially a product of the (Western) educational system. In practice, it does not seem to amount to much.